Our Features for Plan Sponsors and Advisors

Get a clear view of your plans, investments, and participants with our plan sponsor and advisor portals. Task‑oriented, role‑based dashboards provide easy access to the information and tools you need with responsive design, so you can work on a desktop or tablet.

a dashboard displayed in a monitor

Role-Based Dashboards

Plan Advisor Dashboard

  • Summary data across all plans in the advisor’s book of business
  • Graphical, interactive summary of top plan assets
  • Detailed plan, participant, and investment information (see “Common features”)
  • Single sign‑on links to SchARP automated processes such as Loan Administration and Payroll
  • Advanced filtering options

Plan Sponsor Dashboard

  • List of pending tasks requiring sponsor’s attention
  • Summary list of investment holdings
  • Detailed plan, participant, and investment information (see “Common features”)
  • Single sign‑on links to SchARP automated processes such as Loan Administration and Payroll
  • Advanced filtering options

Common Features Available to Both Sponsors and Advisors

Logon Help

  • Allows users who forget their login credentials to regain access using the email address associated with the account

My Plans

  • Shows summary data across all plans in an interactive table

  • Provides robust search, filter, and export options

  • Links to year‑over‑year comparison of key plan metrics

  • Provides drill down to participant detail

Investment Holdings

  • Shows summary data for all investments in an interactive table

  • Provides robust search, filter, and export options

  • Provides drill down to all plans and participants that hold each investment

  • Links to online prospectus, fund fact sheet, and company website


  • Shows all investment models

  • Provides drill down to all plans and participants that use each model

  • Provides drill down to expected percentage vs. actual percentage of funds

Investment Performance

  • Displays market data for all investments in a single chart

  • Links to online prospectus, fund fact sheet, and company website

  • Displays current data for investments, models, and Schwab Bank Savings

  • At the model level, displays performance over various time periods as well as operating expenses and portfolio turnover

Participant Information and Access to Participant Accounts

  • Shows participant summary data across all plans in an interactive table

  • Shows relevant census and financial information for each participant

  • Provides robust search, filter, and export options

  • Provides access to detailed participant information, with options to unlock an account or log in as the participant (security privileges required)

  • Shows Retirement Readiness results for each participant

Report Center

  • Provides access to reports generated by our SchARP automation system

  • Lets users request predefined reports and notifies them by email when a report is ready to download

  • Displays reports sent by the recordkeeper, such as Daily Reports, Plan Sponsor Forms, and Quarterly Reports

  • Lets users label reports as Important, Favorite, Read, Unread, or Archive

Participant Activity

  • Lets users generate on‑demand participant activity reports such as Address Changes, Distributions, and Loans

  • Lets users choose plans, date range, and other settings (for most reports)

  • Exports to PDF, Excel, or emails sent to the targeted participants


  • Provides a powerful tool for analyzing the financial wellness of plans

  • Lets users model investment behavior at the plan and participant level using queries and filters with interactive charts


  • Sends automatic email notifications of key payroll and loan events

Custom Skins, Menus, and Branding

  • Provides ability for administrators to customize the appearance of the website using skin, menu, and branding options

User Profile

  • Lets users view their contact information and update their password

Advisor-related features available on participant site

Online Enrollment

  • Step-by-step enrollment wizard captures the information needed to establish a participant’s account, from personal information and login credentials to investment choices, realignments, and deferral rates.

vWise SmartPlan Enterprise Enrollment Option

  • Provides an alternative method of online enrollment via a third party

  • Live video hosts help employees determine their retirement needs and risk profile and then choose plan investments and contribution amounts

Enhanced Personal Rate of Return Analytics

  • Allocation, Rate of Return, and Investment Activity Summary charts

  • Built-in chart tutorials and calculation details

  • Robust filter options let users customize data views

Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts

  • Lets participants invest in funds offered by a brokerage firm of their choice

  • Supports multiple self‑directed brokerage accounts per participant

Automatic Savings Increase

  • Allows participants to automatically increase their contribution rate by a predetermined percentage each year

Integrated Payroll Processing for Plan Sponsors

SchARP Payroll Processing offers a full range of automation to facilitate the payroll life cycle, from uploading payroll data to automated trading and cash matching to oversight of key events through email notifications. Plan sponsors can access specific functions such as payroll file submission and notice of deposit based on their security privileges.

Payroll File Submission

  • Provides a secure upload portal where sponsors can submit payroll files

  • Validates the payroll data and processes the file automatically

  • Allows payroll processors to monitor the status of a submitted payroll

Payroll Notices of Deposit

  • Lets sponsors submit notices of deposit with the payment method directly to Charles Schwab Trust Bank and receive immediate confirmation

Payroll Monitoring

  • Allows sponsors to track payroll events across plans, with automatic email notifications sent to designated users

Payroll Trade Automation

  • Allows administrators to download intra‑day cash activity files, match them against payroll orders, and release the orders automatically